The New Blog

This is one big test.

In 1980, I had the privilege of advising Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher to ignore the demands of 360 British economists who made the outrageous claim that Britain would never (yes, never) recover from her decision to reduce government spending during a severe recession. They wanted more spending. She responded with a speech promising to stay with her tight budget. She kept a sustained focus on long-term problems. Expectations about the economy’s future improved, and the recovery soon began.

Grace and Knowledge

Dear Zion,

Greetings in the Lord!  Samantha and I were overjoyed when the Consistory informed us that you all as a church had decided to call us to come to Zion for me to serve you as your next pastor.  I never thought I could be so excited to move to Iowa!  We eagerly await the day when we can share with you in detail all the many ways we have seen the Lord work to make this come to pass.

I was so excited when Rev. Beaty selected II Peter 3:18 to encourage you all: “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.”  This has always been something of a life verse for me, and there is nothing I want more Continue reading