About the Author

I’m the husband of Samantha, the father of three children, and the minister of Zion Evangelical & Reformed Church. I live in the Midwest where I desire to see the Church of Jesus Christ reformed according to His Word.

As a minister of Word & Sacrament, a lot of what I write about revolves around Scriptural, theological, and ecclesiological topics. And, as a shepherd of souls, I think a lot about what my sheep, and my own soul, must face in this world on a daily basis. With the idea that humans are called not merely to consume, but primarily to create and produce, I write on my own reactions to events and art and media. My writing reflects the overlap of these spheres with everything colored by my own personal weirdness unique giftedness.

I once described myself “as equal parts surf rash, Batman, heavy metal, Levinas, poetic license, and reformational. Other than creating blund blogs, I enjoy reading, sporting, and socializing with serious and funny people.” I now think that describing yourself is pretentious, but if any of that strikes you as curious, you may find something here of interest.

If you are new to my site, you might want to start with some of my popular and foundational articles. Here are several:

I used to blog at What the Thunder Said. I leave it up so that the articles can still be accessed, but do not maintain that site or the links. You can also check my blog’s archives for a list of every post I have written or use the search function (under the header or at the bottom left column) to find other posts that might be of interest.

After growing up in Fairmont, MN, I received a B.A. from Bethel University where I studied pre-medicine, philosophy, and Koine Greek. I apprenticed at The Bethlehem Institute from 2004 – 06, and then received my M.Div. from Westminster Seminary, CA. I picked up a lifetime contract to be the husband to an amazing and beautiful woman, and our family is slowly growing.

You can contact me via email or follow me on Twitter or Facebook. Please note: I will not do your homework for you.

Happy New Year in 2012!

My site is built on WordPress, and is currently using the Duster/TwentyEleven theme.

Occasionally, I am given books or items to review for the blog. These will always be noted with any services or compensation disclosed. I am not required to write a positive review, and I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commision’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.” Parties interested in having their products reviewed on this site can contact me here concerning the details. Additionally, some of my links provide financial support from the following institutions:



Westminster Books

This is my personal blog. The opinions that I express here do not necessarily represent those of my employers, my church, my denomination, or my family. Stunningly, and in a bizarre plot twist, they don’t even always represent my own opinions, either. The information I provide is on an as-is basis. I make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this blog and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries, or damages arising from its use. I also make no claims about the accuracy of this blog in other dimensions or possible worlds.

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